Country Two-Step Videos
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Country Two-Step Music ( 182-198 BPM )
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Two Stepping with Style
Two Stepping with Style: Technique | Music | Patterns | Videos | Main Menu |
The two step is a progressive dance that follows Line of Dance counterclockwise around the perimeter of the dance floor. The two step is a proud dance in which you keep your head up and dance with an upright posture. Good two step dancers will use long steps and will travel smoothly, quickly, and confidently down the dance floor. Two step dancers dance fast, and it is important to be considerate and not block traffic when you are on the dance floor. The two step is a smooth dance, and as such, your head and shoulders should not bounce during the dance. With a little practice and by keeping your knees slightly bent, you can learn to dance both the quick steps and the slow steps while keeping your shoulders smooth. Two step dancers should use long steps and should travel on a narrow path with the feet passing close together. Good two step dancers use quiet footsteps, and their feet will hardly make a sound as they dance across the floor. During the two step, all steps, even quick ones, should progress past the other foot and should never be "stutter" steps. Two step dancers look good when they take long steps that are perfectly coordinated with their partner. Also, you will look like a better dancer, if you keep your toes down as you dance. The country two-step and ballroom foxtrot are very similar progressive dances and many of the same patterns can be done in both dances. One noteable difference is that the Foxtrot starts slow, slow, quick, quick; whereas the country Two Step starts quick, quick, slow, slow. The character and attitude of the dances is also considerably different. The FoxTrot is a ballroom dance and tends to be more "professional" and rigid in its rules. The country two step is a folk dance is more oriented to pure fun than to rules. The speed of the country two step dance can vary from slow (140-160bpm), to medium (160-180 bpm), to fast (180-200bpm). If you are dancing two step patterns to music that is below 140bpm, you will be dancing a country foxtrot rather than a two step. |
Country Two Step Dance Facts
Country Two-Step: Dance Facts | Music | Patterns | Videos | Main Menu | |
Two Step Music | Quick, lively country music with even rhythm. 4/4 time signature, four beats per measure with a primary accent on count 1 and a secondary accent on count 3. |
Two Step Rhythm | quick, quick, slow, slow |
Two Step Style | Keep upper body smooth and don't bounce the shoulders. Don't pump the arms. Soften the knees. Dance smoothly. You shouldn't be able to hear your feet hitting the floor. Ladies, don't let your outstretched arm collapse. |
Two Step Floorcraft | The Two Step is a progressive dance that follows the Line-of-Dance counterclockwise around the dance floor. |
Two Step Footwork | Travel as much as time allows on the quick, quick. |
Starting to Dance | Take a deep breath before starting to dance. Pull your tummy up to your rib cage. |
Note | Country Two-step and Nightclub two-step are completely different dances. Two-step is a progressive dance to fast music. Nightclub two-step is a spot dance done to slow music. |
Country Two-Step Patterns
Country Two-Step: Patterns | Music | Technique | Facts | Videos | Main Menu | ||
Two-Step Basic
Foxtrot Patterns in Two Step:
Define Positions:
Zig Zag patterns:
Promenade patterns:
Underarm turns:
Two-Step Prep Turns (Check Turns)
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